Example test scripts
Locating elements
- JavaScript + Nightwatch.js
- Java + TestUI
- Python + Py-TestUI
The command below sets the element locator strategy to CSS. CSS is also the default strategy used by Nightwatch - so unless you have already switched to a different strategy beforehand, you do not actually need to execute this command.
The next command, however, sets the element locator strategy to XPath.
It is possible to use both strategies by switching back and forth.
Example #1: using CSS selectors to locate elements
client => {
// Example of locating elements using CSS selectors
// Navigate to website bing.com
// Wait up to 10 seconds until page is visible and take a screenshot
.waitForElementVisible(".dimmer", 10 * 1000)
// Type 'QA Processes' in the search bar and press 'Enter'
.waitForElementVisible("[type=search]", 10 * 1000)
.setValue("[type=search]", ["QA Processes", client.Keys.ENTER])
// Wait up to 10 seconds until search results are visible and take a
// screenshot
.waitForElementVisible("[aria-label='Search Results']", 10 * 1000)
Example #2: using XPath selectors to locate elements
client => {
// Example of locating elements using XPATH selectors
// Navigate to website bing.com
// Set the locate strategy for selectors to xpath
// Wait up to 10 seconds until page is visible and take a screenshot
.waitForElementVisible("//*[contains(@class, 'dimmer')]", 10 * 1000)
// Type 'QA Processes' in the search bar and press 'Enter'
.waitForElementVisible("//*[@type='search']", 10 * 1000)
.setValue("//*[@type='search']", ["QA Processes", client.Keys.ENTER])
// Wait up to 10 seconds until search results are visible and take a
// screenshot
.waitForElementVisible("//*[@aria-label='Search Results']", 10 * 1000)
By using a general CSS selector
UIElement element = E(byCssSelector("your.Id"));
By using a specific element's ID
UIElement element = E(byId("your.Id"));
By using XPath
UIElement element = E(byXpath("//some"));
It is possible to mix and match these strategies - it is not required to stick to one throughout the entire script.
Example: using CSS selectors to locate elements
public void testUIWithLoadero() {
// Example of locating elements using CSS selector
// Wait 10 seconds until page is visible
// Save a screenshot of https://bing.com website
// Find search bar element
// Type "QA Processes" in it
.sendKeys("QA Processes")
// Find search button and click it
// Wait for search results to become visible
.setElement(byCssSelector("[aria-label='Search Results']"))
// Take a screenshot of the search results
By using a general CSS selector
element = e(driver, "css", ".some-class")
By using a specific element's ID
element = e(driver, "id", "some-id")
By using the name of a specific class
element = e(driver, "className", "some-class")
By using the name
element = e(driver, "name", "some-name")
By using XPath
element = e(driver, "xpath", "//some-element")
Example #1: using CSS selectors to locate elements
def test(driver: TestUIDriver):
def move_to_element(element):
# Moves element in view
# param: element: TestUIElement
page_title = "The GitHub Shop | Home"
# Verify page title
if driver.get_driver().title != page_title:
driver.set_error("page title does not match expected")
# Take screenshot of shop page
# Move to track order button
move_to_element(e(driver, "css", "[title='Track my order']"))
# Navigate to track my order page
driver, "css", "[title='Track my order']"
# Take screenshot of login page
Example #2: using CSS selectors to locate elements
def test(driver: TestUIDriver):
# Example of locating elements using CSS selector
# Wait 10 seconds until page is visible and take a screenshot
e(driver, "css", ".dimmer").wait_until_visible(seconds=10)
# Find search bar element and type "QA Processes" into it
e(driver, "css", "[type=search]").send_keys("QA Processes")
# Find search button and click it
e(driver, "css", "#search_icon").wait_until_visible(seconds=10).click()
# Wait 10 seconds until search results are visible and take a screenshot
driver, "css", "[aria-label='Search Results']"
Performing assertions
- JavaScript + Nightwatch.js
- Java + TestUI
- Python + Py-TestUI
Nightwatch native assertions are called by two methods, depending on the
expected result after error is asserted: .assert
and .verify
Once this assertion fails, test is ended and any assertions further in the script are skipped:
This assertion will log the failure and script execution continues on.
Example: using .assert and .verify
client => {
// Example of using Nightwatch assertions
.waitForElementVisible(".indexpage", 10 * 1000)
// Check if the page url contains given value, otherwise stop the test
// Verify if the page title contains given value, otherwise log error
.verify.title("Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees")
// Dismiss cookie consent banner
.click(".cookie-consent__actions > button:nth-of-type(2)")
// Scroll map section into view
.execute(() => {
var element = document.querySelector(".map-section");
if (element) {
// Check if the map is visible, otherwise log error
Example: using TestUI element assertion methods
public void testUIWithLoadero() {
// Just some set-up so that we are in a page where we can try out all the
// assertion methods
.setElement(byCssSelector("[type=search]")).sendKeys("QA Processes")
// Various assertion examples for the sake of demonstration
// Realistically, you wouldn't really want to do all of these in a row
// Assert an element's visibility
UIElement searchBar = E(byCssSelector("[type=search]"));
// Assert that an element is enabled
// Assert that an element exists in the DOM at all
// Assert that an element has exact text within it
UIElement anElementWithText = E(byCssSelector("#b-scopeListItem-images a"));
// Assert that an element CONTAINS the given text (but does not necessarily
// match it exactly)
// The above command also has a case insensitive option
// Assert that an element has the exact given value
searchBar.shouldHave().value("QA Processes");
// Assert that an element's attribute has the exact given value
searchBar.shouldHave().attribute("value").equalTo("QA Processes");
// Assert that an element has the given attribute AT ALL, regardless of its
// value
// Any of the previous assertions can also be negated to achieve the exact
// opposite assertion
// Lastly, the above assertions are executed "in the moment".
// However, they can also be given a timer - to wait for a time period for the
// assertion to become true, if it is not immediately true already.
searchBar.waitFor(10).untilHasValue("QA Processes");
// Negations are still an option
UIElement nonexistent = E(byCssSelector("i_do_not_exist"));
You can find detailed descriptions and more examples in TestUI wiki.
Example: using Py-TestUI element assertion methods
def test(driver: TestUIDriver):
from testui.elements.testui_element import ElementException
element = e(driver, "css", ".dimmer")
# The below code describes various ways to assert an element for the sake of
# demonstration. Realistically, you really should not be asserting the same
# element multiple times in a row.
# The .is_visible() command checks whether the element is visible and returns
# a Boolean value. If the element is not visible, there will NOT be an error
# and the script will continue.
if element.is_visible():
logger.log_debug("The element is visible!")
# The .is_visible_in() command checks whether the element becomes visible at
# any point within the specified time interval. A Boolean value is returned
# depending on the result and the script will continue.
if element.is_visible_in(10):
logger.log_debug("The element is visible!")
# The .visible_for() command asserts that the element REMAINS visible for all
# of the given time interval. If the element ceases to be visible within this
# interval, the script will fail.
# The .wait_until_visible() command is equivalent to .is_visible_in(), the
# difference being that the script will FAIL if the element does not appear
# within the given time period.
# The .wait_until_attribute() command waits for the given time period for the
# specified attribute of the element to be equal to specified value. If these
# values do not match within the given time period, the script will fail.
element.wait_until_attribute("id", "", 10)
# The .wait_until_contains_attribute() commands is similar to
# .wait_until_attribute() but instead of checking for an exact match, the
# command checks whether the attribute CONTAINS the given value.
element.wait_until_contains_attribute("class", "dim", 10)
# The .wait_until_contains_sensitive_attribute() command is similar to
# .wait_until_contains_attribute(). However, this command is case insensitive,
# whereas the previous command is case sensitive. For example, if you were to
# provide "Dimmer" to "wait_until_contains_attribute(), it would fail."
element.wait_until_contains_sensitive_attribute("class", "Dimmer", 10)
# Any of the previous commands can also be prefixed with a .no() to achieve
# the opposite effect.
if element.no().is_visible_in(10):
logger.log_debug("PASS: The element did not show up within 10 seconds.")
"FAIL: The element appeared before 10 seconds had passed."
# Lastly, while only .is_visible_in() and .is_visible() allow the script to
# continue, it is possible NOT to fail the script when using the other
# commands as well. This can be done by handling ElementException. This way a
# fail will not occur and the script will continue.
element = e(driver, "css", "i_do_not_exist")
except ElementException:
logger.log_debug("The element was not visible! But we must continue...")
You can find detailed descriptions and more examples in Py-TestUI wiki.